Have you tought about loosing some weight/ fasting & would like to do it rather sooner than later? Yet not really sure how to do it and when?
Pure You has an easy solution for you & your loved ones this Holiday season and there is no reason why not to take action!
In my signature 3-5 day fast I will quide you trough the fast with tasty juices, broths & Super smoothies what will become part of your future life in a healthy Mindset what you adopt along the way. I will add beauty, bliss, yoga and meditation to your daily routine and have you renew your skincare, comecare and kitchen utilities to eliminate toxins and stress from the Body and mind!
Life Changing, Healing and all Empowerin with easy recipes, everyday tips and short Yoga classes to follow!
Yes! To a healthy - Happy Body:)
3 day fast normally 149,00 now christmas promo only 129,00
5 day fast 199.00